Concluding the residence at the Cēsis Concert Hall, Trio Palladio - violinist Eva Bindere, cellist Kristine Blaumane and pianist Reinis Zarins - prepared a new program dedicated to the 110th birthday of composer Olivier Messian. Messian is the most popular French composer in the mid-20th century, as well as one of the most significant and influential musicians of this age.
The trio will present a conceptual program incouding two pieces by to jubilees - Polish composer's Zigmund Krauzes "Quartet for the Birth" and the world-famous "Quartet Time of the Year" by Olivier Messian, which arose in a historically difficult and massive change during the Second World War.
The program with a profoundly philosophical of our great Latvian musician and special guest Anton Dresler (clarinet), will be the most memorable evening of the December concert offer.